Welcome to GCSE online at MVA

Award-Winning Virtual GCSE Learning for Students Ages 14-16
✔ Choose from 17 iGCSE/GCSE subjects
✔ Flexibility to study your GCSE online anywhere, at your own pace
✔ Award-winning virtual school experience

Book a Call with Admissions

Getting Started

Welcome to Minerva's Virtual Academy! Getting started with your online GCSE studies couldn't be easier. All you need is a computer or tablet and an internet connection - and once you join your first Assembly on Monday, we'll take it from there!
What is a "GCSE"?
GCSE stands for “General Certificate of Standard Education”. They are the foundational British education qualifications that are taken at the end of Year 11. They can be used to enter the workplace or progress to A Level and Higher Education. IGCSEs are the popular International version, which are predominately studied at MVA.

GCSEs are studied over two years. Pupils are typically fourteen years old when they start in Year 10 and sixteen years old when they finish in Year 11. Formal, written exams are sat in June at the end of Year 11. Results are published in August.
Why choose MVA for Years 10 & 11?

Choosing MVA for Years 10 & 11 could be a life-changing decision for several reasons. Our unique approach to online education is particularly well-suited for:

  • Students who may not be reaching their full potential in a conventional school environment.
  • Those who frequently travel or relocate, requiring a consistent and adaptable academic framework.
  • Individuals who have a talent or lifestyle that necessitates flexible study hours.
  • Students who prefer a solitary learning environment, free from distractions of peer pressure or social dynamics.
  • Learners who desire the autonomy to study at their own pace, either to advance more quickly or to take the necessary time to solidify their understanding of basic concepts.

At MVA, we recognize and cater to these diverse needs, offering a flexible and individualized learning experience that empowers each student to flourish.

How We Teach

Our award-winning teaching approach combines cutting-edge virtual learning technology with the very best teachers and mentors from some of the UK's top schools.

Flipped Learning

Helped by their personal mentor, students study independently on our interactive Virtual Learning Platform (VLP) before heading into class to enrich their learning with our brilliant subject teachers.

The Four Pillars

Beyond lessons, the "Four Pillars" ensure we're always delivering a broad and highly-stimulating education for every child in our care:

  • Virtual Learning Platform
  • Live Lessons
  • Mentoring
  • Community & School Trips 

Subjects & Academics

At Minerva's Virtual Academy, students typically study nine subjects at GCSE/iGCSE level.

The full list can be viewed here.

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Exam Board:
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Course Specification
Course Overview:
The Biology course aims to promote a respect for all forms of life. In the course pupils will develop a concerned and informed awareness of relationships between living organisms, of relationships between organisms and their environment, and the effect of human activities on these relationships.
Business Studies
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Course Specification
Course Overview:
Business Studies will teach you about business activity in the private and public sectors. You will learn about the running of small businesses and large organisations, covering all of the major areas, such as marketing, human resources, finance, operations management and external influences on business. You will get the opportunity to explore your own business ideas and gain experience of setting up and running your own business!
Exam Board:
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Course Specification
Course Overview:
Chemistry is an explosive subject that helps us understand why things change. Whether that is rapid changes like explosions or slower changes like the formation of diamonds they are all due to chemical reactions. Throughout this course you will develop the skills to analyse and ask questions about the world around us. You will understand how and why chemical reactions happen from everything from the rust on your bike to literal rocket science! During this course you will also get the chance to try out some of the practical experiments for yourself doing acid tests, growing crystals and making ice cream without a freezer!
Computer Science
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Course Specification
Course Overview:
Where would we be without YouTube, Google and Whatsapp? Do you remember a world without Amazon or Instagram? Technology has completely re-shaped our lives and will continue to do so at an ever-increasing pace. These technological marvels have been brought to us by the efforts of some very hard-working people. How did they do it? With Computer Science! This course is all about giving pupils the opportunity to learn about the fascinating world of computers and coding. It will not only give an insight into coding but also how computers work, giving pupils a solid foundation in these areas.
Double Science Award
Exam Board:
Course Code:
Course Specification
Course Overview:
In this course students study all three sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) but end up with two GCSEs. The course covers approximately two-thirds of the content covered by students who sit the individual science courses. This is an excellent choice for students who enjoy science and would like to spend a little more time working through each topic or those who have less interest in carrying on with science after Year 11.
Exam Board:
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Course Specification
Course Overview:
Do you know why countries want to host the World Cup or the Olympics? And why does Greta Thunberg challenge world leaders to take action for climate change? Is Elon Musk crazy for wanting to replace human workers with Tesla’s AI-powered Optimus humanoid robots? What is the cause for the price increase of the Playstation 5 console or the explosion of the GameStop stock price on Wall Street? And why do some people smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol or eat fatty food when we know it is unhealthy? If you wish to explore these questions further, then come and join us in IGCSE Economics. Together, we will study how modern-day societies work and how individuals make decisions. Everything you experience on a daily basis is somehow linked to economics and we will make sure to explore the economic concepts and apply these to real-life situations.
English Language
Exam Board:
Course Code:
Course Specification
Course Overview:
By studying GCSE English Language, you learn how to understand a writer - not just the words they've written on the page but the hidden or obscured meanings and associations behind the lines too. The skills developed throughout this course remain with students through their whole life and can be applied to any piece of writing they encounter - from novels to news and opinion pieces. When writing, students will learn to write for impact and to produce clear and coherent written texts. The course provides opportunities to develop sophisticated reading and critical thinking skills that encourage genuine enquiry into different topics and themes.
English Literature
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Course Specification
Course Overview:
As George R. R. Martin, the author of Game of Thrones writes: “A reader lives a thousand times … The person who never reads lives only once.” To read a book or a play invites us to step into a new world, to meet a different cast of characters, to join someone else’s adventure, and to experience places and times sometimes unrecognisable from our own. In this course you will explore a range of texts and dive into how exactly literature has evolved over time.
Fine Art
Exam Board:
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Course Specification
Course Overview:
Art is a wonderful subject, where you will be able to develop your technical and creative skills through exposure to a wide variety of styles and methods, while structuring your portfolio work around areas of particular interest to you. Given the practical nature of the course, it can provide a great balance to the more academic subjects you'll be studying. You should choose Art GCSE if you are interested in and committed to exploring and developing your creativity through visual media.
Exam Board:
Course Code:
Course Specification
Course Overview:
As you may know, French is a main or official language not just in France, but in 55 other countries worldwide. It is also reputed to be the foreign language which is most widely used in international communications (after English). French is also one of the six official languages of the United Nations and almost 300 million people speak French as their native or as a second language - that’s a whole load of potential new pen pals! The course enables you to manipulate and use French effectively, independently and creatively. Remember- the objective behind learning a foreign language goes much further than passing the exam: speaking, reading and writing French are assets that you will benefit from during the entire course of your adult life, both when at home and when travelling abroad.
Exam Board:
Course Code:
Course Specification
Course Overview:
This course encourages students to learn about the world in which they live, and to look deeply into the physical and human environments around them. The world is constantly changing and has a lot of variation and inequality. By looking at case studies from the UK, other high income countries (HICs), newly emerging countries (MICs) and lower income countries (LICs), students learn about a wide variety of topics such as climate change, poverty, deprivation, global shifts in economic power and the challenge of sustainable resource use. They’ll also be encouraged to develop and challenge their own attitudes and viewpoints to the world around them, as well as developing important skills such as interpreting data and presenting evidence.
Exam Board:
Course Code:
Course Specification
Course Overview:
German is the most commonly spoken language across the European Union and is a language that actually shares a great deal of vocabulary with English. The German course aims to prepare pupils to take their place in a multilingual global society, by providing a thorough yet engaging course where pupils build on their grammar and lexis, and develop an awareness of the German-speaking world and its culture.
Global Citizenship
Exam Board:
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Course Specification
Course Overview:
Global Citizenship encourages pupils to reflect on what makes them a ‘global citizen'. The subject teaches unique skills and knowledge so that pupils can act more prominently in their local and national communities. Pupils will respond to important global issues, take part in a community project, and learn to take greater ownership and responsibility for community activity – improving others’ societies as well as their own.
Exam Board:
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Course Specification
Course Overview:
In History, we will study the evolution of the modern world – from the British Empire and the early growth of capitalism in the 1700s and the 1800s, to the first half of the twentieth century rocked by revolution, dictators and two world wars and into the second half of the century, an era of cold war, superpower rivalry and mutually assured destruction. Why? To understand where we have come from and where we might be going. Being a historian is a lot like being a detective. The story is not always as simple as it seems on first inspection. People lie. Things are covered up. Evidence is tampered with, damaged, lost. It is our task to properly examine the evidence and get to the root of the matter: to find out the truth of what really happened in the past, why it happened in this way and what this means for us in today’s world.
Exam Board:
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Course Specification
Course Overview:
Maths gives us a way to understand patterns, to quantify relationships, and to even predict the future. Algebra can be used by businesses to explain sales patterns and can even predict how much a certain customer will spend. A study of geometry can explain the science behind architecture throughout the world. Statistics and probability can estimate the probability of rain in an area. This course runs through all of the fundamentals of maths whilst also explaining the real world context behind the theory.
Exam Board:
Course Code:
Course Specification
Course Overview:
GCSE Music will provide a contemporary, accessible and creative education in Music with an integrated approach to the three main elements – performing, composing and appraising. Learners are encouraged to be creative and to broaden their musical horizons and understanding with Areas of Study that inspire and challenge. This specification will enable learners to explore performance and composition with a focus on their own instrument and genre choices and offer an opportunity to explore new instrumental skills. Through the various genres, styles and eras contained in our Areas of Study they will explore musical context, musical language, and performance and composition skills.
Exam Board:
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Course Specification
Course Overview:
Physics teaches you skills like problem-solving and quantitative reasoning for everyday problems, helps you see and create new connections between ideas and phenomena you encounter and study in the world - you're guaranteed 'Aha!' lightbulb moments in Physics...So it helps to develop your creative thinking skills, evaluate new ideas and analyse information critically. It also sets you up with a strong background for pursuing careers in health, sciences, business, law, and many more...
Exam Board:
Course Code:
Course Specification
Course Overview:
Edexcel GCSE in Psychology introduces students to psychological concepts and methodologies in the context of real-life issues, focusing on key questions, the work of renowned psychologists and the research students can undertake themselves. Studying how the brain works can help us to understand our behaviours and how we might not be as in control of our choices as we first thought…
Religious Studies
Exam Board:
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Course Specification
Course Overview:
Religion and Philosophy has always been, and continues to be for us today, a powerful driving force in society for good and ill. It affects us all, whether or not we are believers. A knowledge of religion is needed to inform our own political and social understanding, to enlighten the subtleties of literature, and to aid our understanding of history. Beyond this, the study of Religious Studies and Philosophy is a fascinating one, interesting for its own sake and useful in that it sharpens the mind and provides an insight into the study of ideas and their accompanying debates. It forces you to examine your own ideas and raises questions where before you thought there were none.
Exam Board:
Course Code:
Course Specification
Course Overview:
Spanish is the second most spoken language by native speakers in the world, with more than 400 million Spanish speakers in over 21 countries. It is also one of the easiest languages to learn, as it is, for the most part, phonetic, as the words are pronounced the way they are spelled, which is useful for beginners! The topics covered relate to the students, so that they can produce and comprehend language relating to themselves, their pastimes, their school, their holidays and future plans. The course will also cover topics more relevant to the twenty-first century, such as environmental issues, the media and information and communication technology.

Please note that not all subjects may be available for all year groups, and some are country-specific.

Important Information

Compulsory Subjects

All pupils must study English Language, Maths (at either Higher or Foundation level) and one of the Science options below.

Science Options

Full Science - all three subjects (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) studied in full, leading to six examinations and 3 separate GCSE grades in Year 11

Double Science - 66% of the content of all three subjects studied, leading to 3 examinations and 2 separate GCSE grades in Year 11

Individual Science (minimum two) - one combination of Biology and Chemistry, Biology and Physics or Chemistry and Physics studied in full, leading to four examinations and 2 separate GCSE grades in Year 11


The Year 10 Language courses in French, German and Spanish assume prior learning. If a pupil wishes to take up a new language in Year 10, they will need to have one-to-one tutoring in the six months prior to develop a basic level of competency. Please discuss with a member of the Senior Team if your child is considering this.

How to choose your subjects!

Pupils should make their subject choices with the guidance and support of parents, their mentor and teachers. If they have ideas of possible careers/fields of work, University courses or A-levels they want to aim for, these should be discussed and taken into account. If - as many don’t - they don’t yet have any ideas about that, they should aim to keep a broad variety of subject types in order to develop a range of different skills and, ultimately, should choose subjects that they enjoy and have an interest in.

Art & Design

Compulsory Subjects

All pupils must study English Language, Maths (at either Higher or Foundation level) and one of the Science options below.

Science Options

Full Science - all three subjects (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) studied in full, leading to six examinations and 3 separate GCSE grades in Year 11

Double Science - 66% of the content of all three subjects studied, leading to 3 examinations and 2 separate GCSE grades in Year 11

Individual Science (minimum two) - one combination of Biology and Chemistry, Biology and Physics or Chemistry and Physics studied in full, leading to four examinations and 2 separate GCSE grades in Year 11


The Year 10 Language courses in French, German and Spanish assume prior learning. If a pupil wishes to take up a new language in Year 10, they will need to have one-to-one tutoring in the six months prior to develop a basic level of competency. Please discuss with a member of the Senior Team if your child is considering this.

How to choose your subjects!

Pupils should make their subject choices with the guidance and support of parents, their mentor and teachers. If they have ideas of possible careers/fields of work, University courses or A-levels they want to aim for, these should be discussed and taken into account. If - as many don’t - they don’t yet have any ideas about that, they should aim to keep a broad variety of subject types in order to develop a range of different skills and, ultimately, should choose subjects that they enjoy and have an interest in.


Compulsory Subjects

All pupils must study English Language, Maths (at either Higher or Foundation level) and one of the Science options below.

Science Options

Full Science - all three subjects (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) studied in full, leading to six examinations and 3 separate GCSE grades in Year 11

Double Science - 66% of the content of all three subjects studied, leading to 3 examinations and 2 separate GCSE grades in Year 11

Individual Science (minimum two) - one combination of Biology and Chemistry, Biology and Physics or Chemistry and Physics studied in full, leading to four examinations and 2 separate GCSE grades in Year 11


The Year 10 Language courses in French, German and Spanish assume prior learning. If a pupil wishes to take up a new language in Year 10, they will need to have one-to-one tutoring in the six months prior to develop a basic level of competency. Please discuss with a member of the Senior Team if your child is considering this.

How to choose your subjects!

Pupils should make their subject choices with the guidance and support of parents, their mentor and teachers. If they have ideas of possible careers/fields of work, University courses or A-levels they want to aim for, these should be discussed and taken into account. If - as many don’t - they don’t yet have any ideas about that, they should aim to keep a broad variety of subject types in order to develop a range of different skills and, ultimately, should choose subjects that they enjoy and have an interest in.

Teachers & Mentors

As a GCSE student at Minerva's Virtual Academy, your day is filled with live contact hours, including personalised mentoring sessions and Live Lessons with top teachers.

You'll also have free time to join extracurricular activities like After School Clubs and respond to creative challenges. The unique Wellbeing Programme offers techniques for stress reduction and increased resilience.

As term progresses, you'll encounter the joys of Enrichment Week, mock exams, and School Trips to explore new places and cultures. Each day you'll celebrate achievements, share experiences, and build a sense of belonging and community that will stay with you for years to come.

"We're building a group of young people who can really make a difference..."
Katy, MVA Geography Teacher
Meet Our Teachers & Mentors

Day In The Life

As a GCSE student at Minerva's Virtual Academy, your day is filled with live contact hours, including personalised mentoring sessions and Live Lessons with top teachers.

You'll also have free time to join extracurricular activities like After School Clubs and respond to creative challenges. The unique Wellbeing Programme offers techniques for stress reduction and increased resilience.

This is an example Year 10 Timetable, showing Monday to Wednesday only

As term progresses, you'll encounter the joys of Enrichment Week, mock exams, and School Trips to explore new places and cultures. Each day you'll celebrate achievements, share experiences, and build a sense of belonging and community that will stay with you for years to come.

Results & Performance

Our Students Results

For the academic year 2021/22 our results were as follows

MVA                  UK AVG

80%                     73%            9 - 4 (A* - C)

34%                     26%            9 - 7 (A* - A)

For the academic year 2022/23 our results were as follows

MVA                  UK AVG

67.3%                     68%            9 - 4 (A* - C)

23%                     22%            9 - 7 (A* - A)

Why do 2022 results appear higher than 2023?
The 2022/23 academic year was particularly challenging for everyone across the country taking their GCSEs, and our results were partly impacted by this and partly due to our student demographics; we had a smaller year group size in 2021/2, and in 2022/3, we had more students taking their exams who faced challenges in their previous academic settings. Despite an increase in lower results overall, these outcomes represent a significant achievement for the students who attained them, given their previous academic challenges. The good news is we are doubling our English and Maths contact hours per week starting in September 2024, which we expect to have a significant positive impact on results in 2025.

Our GCSE pass rates typically align with national standards. However, direct comparisons with traditional schools may not be entirely appropriate. This is because our results reflect both the achievements of our high performers—23% of whom attain grades of 7 or above—and the significant progress made by students who faced challenges in their previous educational environments before joining MVA. In short: our approach enables high achievers to excel further while giving those who previously struggled the opportunity to substantially improve their grades.

2024 will be our first set of A Level results.

Beyond Exams

As GCSE students at MVA, we make sure there's plenty going on to support your child's ongoing development. Typically, this is the age when students begin to find their voice, so joining one of our Student Voice Groups to influence how MVA is run could be a great place to start, as well as getting involved in our School Trips if you haven't before. Additionally, we offer a range of extracurricular activities, from After School Clubs to the World Changers programme, all designed to support your interests and passions outside of the classroom.

After School Clubs

Join extracurricular clubs like Art, Film Production, Debating, Photography, and Young Entrepreneurs to broaden your interests and encourage independent learning.

Student Interest Groups

Explore and connect with peers who share your passions through our Student Interest Groups, covering topics like Science, Technology, Literature, and Music.

Student Voice Groups

Have your say and shape the future of our school by joining Student Voice Groups, where you can discuss and influence important decisions and initiatives.

World Changers

Participate in our World Changers program, tackling global issues through projects focused on sustainability, social justice, and innovation, making a real impact on the world.

Wellbeing Programme

Prioritise your mental and physical health with our comprehensive Wellbeing Programme, offering mindfulness sessions, fitness challenges, and mental health support.

Drop-In Sessions

Take advantage of our Drop-In Sessions to get extra help from teachers, engage in one-on-one discussions, or catch up on missed lessons in a supportive environment.

After School Tutoring

Boost your academic performance with After School Tutoring, where expert tutors provide personalised support and guidance in subjects you find challenging.

Guest Speakers

Gain inspiration and insights from industry leaders and experts through our Guest Speakers series, covering a wide range of fields and topics.

School Trips

Experience learning beyond the virtual classroom with School Trips that offer educational excursions, cultural experiences, and opportunities for personal growth and adventure.

Years 7-8


Year 9


Sixth Form

Frequently Asked Questions

Head here for the main MVA FAQ. Read on for GCSE online specific questions.
Where do I take my exams?
MVA students sit exams and receive official qualifications just like at a 'traditional' school. They travel to their closest exam centre (accessible all across the UK and worldwide) when the time comes. We help organise this with parents, but it's worth noting that each exam also comes with a separate entrance fee.
What exam boards do you follow?
We follow the iGCSE exam board, set by Cambridge Assessment and Pearson Edexcel. iGCSEs are becoming one of the most popular exam boards in the UK.
Is Minerva's Virtual Academy accredited?
We follow the iGCSE exam board, set by Cambridge Assessment and Pearson Edexcel. iGCSEs are becoming one of the most popular exam boards in the UK.
Do I need to be British National to study GCSE online at MVA?
You do not have to be a British National, nor reside in the UK, to achieve these qualifications.
Is it possible to study GCSE subjects that aren’t on the above list?
Absolutely, private tuition can be arranged through Minerva Tutors for any students who wish to take extra subjects, or need extra help with subjects they find challenging. We currently have pupils studying for additional iGCSE's in Mandarin and Economics. Some pupils who are already very advanced in their subjects may also take A Levels alongside their GCSEs.

How do I enrol?

Choose your subjects from the list above, then head to Admissions - our Enrolment Form should take no more than 20 minutes to complete!

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6 weeks to decide if MVA is right for you

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