Welcome to esports BTEC at MVA

Prepare yourself for an incredible career in esports by studying the world's first online-only esports BTEC, either on it's own or alongside 2 A Levels.

No tests or exams

100% Online Learning


Worth 1 A Level

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Esports introduction

No school in the 21st century can ignore the rise of esports – a rapidly expanding global phenomenon that has transformed from a niche hobby into a billion-dollar industry.

At Minerva’s Virtual Academy (MVA), we're leading the charge by introducing the world's first online-only BTEC in esports. This groundbreaking two-year course, facilitated by Pearson and offered at Sixth Form level, provides students with a comprehensive journey into the world of esports business, marketing, and event management.

All that's needed is an internet-connected device and a place to study, and our team, led by James Fraser-Murison, an award-winning esports teacher, will guide you through two years of structured, world-class esports education.
Esports BTEC students learning online
What is "esports"?
What is a BTEC?
What age is this course designed for?

Esports BTEC curriculum

With the esports BTEC at Minerva’s Virtual Academy, you will engage in a diverse and comprehensive curriculum that covers several key areas of the esports industry. Here’s what you can expect to learn:

Esports Ecosystems
Understand the structure of the global esports market, including the roles of teams, leagues, and organisations within the industry.
Event Management
Gain practical skills in organising and managing esports events, from local tournaments to international competitions.
Business of Esports
Learn about the commercial aspects of esports, including sponsorship, branding, and financial management.
Content Creation
Develop skills in creating engaging content for different platforms, crucial for building fan engagement and brand visibility.
Broadcasting and Media Production
Get hands-on experience with the technological aspects of broadcasting esports events, including live streaming and video production.
Career Development in esports
Prepare for professional roles within the industry by understanding the career paths available and the skills required for each role.
Team Dynamics and Coaching
Study the psychology of team sports and learn coaching techniques to enhance team performance in competitive settings.

This BTEC not only equips you with specialised knowledge in esports but also develops transferable skills such as project management, teamwork, and strategic thinking, which are valuable in any career path.

Who is the course for?

This BTEC esports course is ideal for ambitious students aged 16 and over who are passionate about esports and want to pursue a career in the industry. It's perfect for:

  • Students seeking a flexible way to study:
    Those who prefer online learning or learning from home, with a structured and world-class curriculum.
  • Students looking for something different:
    Individuals who want a unique education that blends theoretical knowledge with practical, real-world experience in the rapidly evolving esports industry.
  • Students aiming for a career in esports:
    Those who aspire to roles in business, marketing, event management, and competitive gaming within the dynamic world of esports.
  • Students interested in business and technology:
    Learners who are excited about gaining a practical, vocational qualification that opens doors to various opportunities in esports and beyond.

Career opportunities

While this course is not designed to turn students into professional gamers, it does opens doors to a vast array of career opportunities in the esports industry and beyond.

Think of it like a business qualification with an esports focus, leading to roles such as:

  • Team Manager
  • Event Coordinator
  • Marketing Specialist
  • Content Creator

The skills learned are also highly relevant for careers outside of esports, including:

  • Business Development
  • Digital Marketing
  • Event Management
  • Social Media Management

In short, it's a modern business qualification that teaches versatile skills that are applicable across multiple industries!

Sixth Form life at MVA

Sixth Form life at Minerva's Virtual Academy offers a vibrant experience that combines the structure of traditional schooling with the flexibility of online education. Students engage in guided self study, live lessons and participate in virtual assemblies, fostering a strong sense of community.

The curriculum is complemented by a rich co-curricular programme for holistic development, including peer-to-peer study groups and career and university guidance.

Personal mentors support each student's academic progress and personal growth.  For more details, visit the main Sixth Form page.

Teaching method

Our award-winning teaching approach combines cutting-edge virtual learning technology with the very best teachers and mentors from some of the UK's top schools.

Flipped Learning

Helped by their personal mentor, students study independently on our interactive Virtual Learning Platform (VLP) before heading into class to enrich their learning with our brilliant subject teachers.

The Four Pillars

Beyond lessons, the "Four Pillars" ensure we're always delivering a broad and highly-stimulating education for every child in our care:

  • Virtual Learning Platform
  • Live Lessons
  • Mentoring
  • Community & School Trips 

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions about the BTEC esports. Please get in touch with us if you have more!
What qualifications do I need to study the BTEC?
We usually look for 4 or 5 GCSEs above a grade 4, including Maths and English. If you have not taken GCSEs we will assess your suitability for the course using independent assessment.
When does the course start?
The esports BTEC course at Minerva's Virtual Academy starts at the beginning of the academic year in September and runs for two years. The last opportunity to enrol for the course each year is by the October half term. This allows students to get settled into their new academic routines while still having the chance to join the course a little later in the term if needed.
How many teaching hours per week?
2 x 60-min lessons per week + 1 x 60-min study.
Are there exams?
No, the esports BTEC offered at Minerva's Virtual Academy focuses on coursework rather than traditional exams. Students are assessed through a variety of methods, including project work, practical assignments, and presentations. This approach allows students to demonstrate their understanding and skills in real-world scenarios relevant to the esports industry, providing a more applied and continuous evaluation process throughout the course.

Can I take A Levels, too?
Yes, you can! Join our Sixth Form and take two A Levels alongside the BTEC, or take the BTEC on its own while still benefiting from the Minerva’s Virtual Academy Sixth Form community and all the enrichment activities we offer.
How does MVA's Sixth Form prepare students for the future?
MVA's Middle School curriculum not only provides a solid foundation for further academic studies but also helps students develop essential life skills. It teaches them to think critically, work collaboratively, and act responsibly. Through our innovative learning approach, students learn to become independent learners and thinkers, which are valuable skills in today's rapidly changing world. Moreover, our focus on forward-thinking subjects like Artificial Intelligence and global perspectives prepares them for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.
Do I need to be British National to study the BTEC online at MVA?
You need to be registerd at a UK address to study the BTEC esports.
What if my child needs extra support?
At MVA, we are committed to supporting all of our students' needs. If your child requires additional assistance, whether that's with their academic work or their social and emotional well-being, we have measures in place to help. Each student is assigned a personal mentor who is there to guide them both academically and personally, and we also have dedicated support for students with SEND and SEMH needs. Should your child need one-on-one academic tutoring for any subject, we can arrange this through our sister company, Minerva Tutors.

How do I apply?

To enrol in the MVA Sixth Form, the first step is to apply via the enquiry form below. This initial application will help us understand your educational needs and interests, ensuring that our program is the right fit for you.

After submitting the enquiry, our admissions team will guide you through the next steps of the enrolment process.

Start your journey into esports, today.

Get started

6 weeks to decide if MVA is right for you

Study from anywhere

Course starts in September

MVA Students on a school trip to Bath